Commission a painting by Geoff Hunt
The Battle of the Nile - Commissioned oil on linen
Geoff Hunt's paintings occasionally become available from his studio, but we recommend that you consider commissioning your own painting. Art Marine has over ten years experience of working with Geoff - managing the process of commissioning marine paintings to the complete satisfaction of our clients.
In addition to being the UK publisher of Geoff Hunt's prints of square-riggers and historical marine subjects, Art Marine is also commissioning agent.
Commissioning has the advantage of being able to specify the subject (and size) of the painting - whether it is a particular secne from one of the Aubrey - Maturin novels, a historical scene from the Napoleonic wars, the American Wars or later in the 19th Century...
You can view here some of the paintings we have commissioned over the years...
We ensure that the commissioning experience is clear, enjoyable and highly rewarding for our clients. For full details on how to commission a painting by Geoff Hunt, including payment options and timescale, please email Julian Thomas at or telephone +44 (0)1373 830558