
Your Single Happiness is here!

Can we be happy when we're single? How much is marriage our decision and our effort, and how much do we leave up to God to decide? And what the heck do we do about staying pure during the wait? Your Single Happiness looks to answer these questions and more.

Your Single Happiness, a new book of an old book of mine, has released! I’m very excited to be releasing this book!

So what do I mean by “a new book of an old book”? In 2004 I was tired of “having tried everything” and still being single. For most of my life I battled with self-worth issues, while being absolutely fascinated with girls and romance. But my dreams and hopes of being married at the age of 24 had, by now, been shattered too many times, and I was over it.

This was augmented by a very popular but over-idealistic view of dating, which had influenced large parts of the church, including my own church. It’s still around today. The idea goes like this: that you shouldn’t date unless you know you’re going to marry that person. You can find this sort of thinking in various guises and forms today, and I had bought into it completely.

But in the end I only found myself more confused about God and his love for me, since none of the legalistic methods of dating, despite a plethora of promises, actually worked.

God had to take me on a very personal journey that changed my approach to my relationship with Him and my life, and it was in this journey that I found a love for theology. After much study and seeing what I believe the Bible really says about singleness, I realised there wasn’t a book on the subject that provided a comprehensive theology. This has not changed. All the Christian books I’ve encountered on singleness only cover principles and guidelines for dating, or use the Bible loosely to prove a particular teaching. There’s very little that goes to the heart of the matter, dealing only with outward behaviour instead of really asking hard questions about God, ourselves, and romance itself!

After a long time of struggle and searching I eventually wrote a book, to chronicle all that I discovered. I called it Single and published it in 2005. One couple I know actually attribute the book for being the catalyst for them getting married! But some years later I stopped producing it because it needed major editing.

I still receive many requests for it, though, and finally decided in 2014, as a kind-of ten year anniversary for the book, to finish the editing. The result is Your Single Happiness. Even though I’m now married, I didn’t change the original thoughts in the book, because I still think they were valid, and too many books about singleness are written from the vantage point of someone who is married! But I’ve edited the verboseness of the book – in ten years, I’ve learned to write things better.

Can we be happy when we’re single? How much is marriage our decision and our effort, and how much do we leave up to God to decide? And what the heck do we do about staying pure during the wait? Your Single Happiness looks to answer these questions and more.

I feel the book is highly relevant for single people today, especially because of the very positive feedback I receive from people who have read it. Your Single Happiness is the book I was looking for when I was single, and I believe it is the book many others are also looking for today.

Keen? Well,
get it from Amazon at $4.49

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