Paul Wright RSMA

HMS Euryalus - Oil on canvas

Paul Wright's meticulous paintings of famous warships of the 20th-21st century. They represent the leading battleships, carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates and submarines of the Royal Navy, the U.S Navy, the Imperial Japanese Navy, the Imperial German Navy, the Kriegsmarine, the Italian Navy and the French Navy.

Born in 1947, Paul Wright studied at the Farnham School of Art in the 1960s, since when he has been a full-time and highly successful maritime painter and illustrator.

Paul is considered the finest living painter of 20th Century warships of the British, German and Japanese Navies.  His work is represented in the Permanent Collection Royal Navy Museum, Portsmouth, and in private collections in the U.K., Stuttgart, Helsinki, Sydney, Adelaide, Zimbabwe, Tokyo, Cape Town, New York, St. Petersburg, Santa Fe, Fairfield Conn., San Francisco and Dallas.

Over the past decade he has gained a series of prestigious awards and commissions:

1n 1997 he was commissioned by the officers and men of H.M.S. Chatham during their duty as head quarters ship for the hand over of Hong Kong to China to paint a portrait of their ship and H.M.Y. Britannia during the events of that week.

In 2000 his work for the Patrick O’Brian novels was exhibited by the Jinishian Gallery of Connecticut at the New York Yacht Club and the 5th Avenue Club.

More recently Paul has completed two large murals for the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi, and carried out mural paintings for the new Cunard superliner Queen Mary II. He has regularly exhibited at the Royal Society of Marine Artists in London.

USS Johnston - Oil on canvas

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