Fiction – Ryan Peter. Writer. Writer. Indie Author. Ghostwriter. Journalist. Tue, 13 Apr 2021 13:19:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fiction – Ryan Peter. Writer. 32 32 Treasure Island: for today’s readers Fri, 08 Jul 2016 10:16:09 +0000


The classic in today's language

Ever tried reading the classic adventure tale “Treasure Island” and found parts difficult to follow? Or tried reading it to your kids and found it a challenge because of difficult phrases and sea-terms that you’re not quite sure of?

You can now enjoy it without a dictionary in hand.

When the boy Jim Hawkins discovers a treasure map in an old sea-chest of a dead pirate, he is plunged into a dangerous, adventure-filled world – complete with one-legged buccaneers, mutineers, and some of the most beloved characters ever developed in the literary world.

Enjoy the classic with your kids in the way it was meant to be enjoyed – and re-spark your imagination from your own childhood – with one of the best ‘piratey-tales’ of all time. In this version, Ryan Peter keeps the original style and spirit of Stevenson intact, while using more updated words and phrases that can distract the ordinary reader if they were reading the 1883 original. Footnotes are included to explain sea-terms more clearly and immerse the reader more fully into the wonderful world of Long John Silver, Jim Hawkins, and Billy Bones.

Read it by a soft fire by candlelight – and, if you’re the type, a warm pipe in your hand!

  • Includes footnotes explaining difficult-to-understand sea terms.
  • Phrases and words chosen by Stevenson in the 1883 original that we no longer use are replaced with more modern, easy-to-understand choices.
  • The end-result is a much easier read that keeps to the style and spirit of the original.
  • Original illustrations also included, as well as the original Treasure Island map.
  • Two diagrams of sailing ships included to familiarize you with the different compartments of a ship, and let you know the names of the different sails, to make the book easier to follow.
  • Complete and unabridged.
When Twins War: Book II Tue, 14 Jul 2015 09:23:58 +0000


Lord of the Rings meets Arabian Nights


The Meadow is burning. All hope of the twin cities of Iza-Kiêrre and Ben-Kiêrre recommitting to peace has been shattered. But Tarkanyon the Outlander will not give up so easily. When a fellow Outlander explains to him that the Moncoin, a historic evil from the past, may be returning in five days; and the leader of the nomad tribe, Dersanna, tells him a story about an ancient creature called the Hirmecoi; Tarkanyon and Gerald Rhionan set out into the desert to find the true antagonist of the war.

Meanwhile, Iza-Kiêrre is soon enveloped in a dark storm… and goblins by the thousands are getting ready to attack.

This new updated and re-edited version of the original “When Twins War” is now available in two parts, BOOK I and BOOK II.

“Fans of well-crafted, epic myth-worlds full of flawed heroes, ancient evils, magical occurrences, and tongue-twisting geographical locations will find much to love in Ryan Peter’s When Twins War: Book I. Following in the footsteps of such literary luminaries as Tolkien and Martin, Peter has created a lush, intricately-detailed realm for his characters and their stories.” – Noisetrade books


Check out the first book in this series.

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When Twins War: Book I Tue, 07 Jul 2015 13:38:55 +0000


"Lord of the rings" meets "arabian Nights"

For over a thousand years the twin cities of Iza-Kiêrre and Ben-Kiêrre have upheld a covenant of peace, protecting the South of Lexedore from the Moncoin, an ancient evil of the past. But when the cities go to war, all of Lexedore is thrown into turmoil. 

Only Tarkanyon the Outlander can restore peace. But his journey to the cities uncovers something more sinister behind the war, and that the Wealth, a magic thought to only belong to the long-gone race of Genicoins, is returning in the most unexpected of places.

Meanwhile Gerald, a soon-to-be-lord of the kingdom of Dernium, discovers that he will play a major role in Tarkanyon’s mission and, even, the future of Lexedore.

“Fans of well-crafted, epic myth-worlds full of flawed heroes, ancient evils, magical occurrences, and tongue-twisting geographical locations will find much to love in Ryan Peter’s When Twins War: Book I. Following in the footsteps of such literary luminaries as Tolkien and Martin, Peter has created a lush, intricately-detailed realm for his characters and their stories.” – Noisetrade books


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My writing goals for the next twelve months Tue, 16 Sep 2014 09:34:22 +0000 My writing goals for the next twelve months Read More »

Hitting deadlines as a writer isn’t always easy. I was supposed to finish my supernatural thriller The Butcher’s Shadow by June this year, after which I was going to pick up writing the sequel to my fantasy book When Twins War. Neither of those happened, because we writers tend to get easily distracted. I picked up the work on my forthcoming book on sin and holiness, Holy Sin, which I’ve managed to finish but still need to edit. I also got distracted with revising my first proper book, Single (which I wrote in 2004) after someone asked me for a copy and I was a bit embarrassed to give them the original!

But those of you who were enjoying the weekly updates of The Butcher’s Shadow serial are asking (and wondering) “What happened? Are we ever going to see what the heck happens?” The answer is yes. With renewed vigour and inspiration, here are my plans for the next twelve months in writing:

1. Finish The Butcher’s Shadow (due the end of this year)

There’s still a killer on the loose! And things are starting to look weirder and weirder for Shakes. So let’s wrap this case up by year-end, shall we? Read the first nine chapters if you haven’t!

2. Finish my complete revision of my book Single within the next month.

I’m almost there. I’ve thus far managed to edit down the original manuscript from 90,000 words to 58,000 words! My goal is to edit it down to 50,000 or less words. It’s amazing how I’ve learned, since 2004, to say things more clearly! The original work is ultra-verbose.

As its title suggest, Single (I might give it a new title) is about how to enjoy your singleness as a Christian. Marriage isn’t the be-all and end-all of our existence! I’m also going to look for a publisher for this book.

3. Finish my book Holy Sin within the next three months

“Holiness for losers, washouts, and other people who don’t cut it.” That’s the subtitle for this book and it pretty much sums it up. All that’s left for this one is an edit and then a perusal by pastors and those I respect to give me honest feedback and their theological concerns. I’m also going to look for a publisher for this one.

4. Begin writing my next instalment in The Rise of the Kings (and finish next year)

It’s high-time I write the sequel to When Twins War and get busy with my five-book fantasy series. This is a series I’ve been working on since I was a kid – and it needs to come to life!

When Twins War - The First Prelude to The Rise of the Kings

With a rich and layered fantasy world akin to the classics, When Twins War mingles traditional Western fantasy with middle-eastern adventure and African folklore. It’s something of a mix between The Lord of the Rings and Arabian Nights, with an African edge.

Buy this on Selz
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5. Begin planning for a sequel to Treasure Island (still in concept stages)

Yes, that’s right – a sequel to Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic Treasure Island. Since I became a fan of Monkey Island when I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to write a piratey tale. I’m thinking of bringing a supernatural twist to it. That might make some fans of the original upset, but it might make some others interested! We’ll see. One thing that Stevenson’s tale always lacked, in my opinion, was a good ole ghost ship!

Will I manage?

Well, it’s good to set goals. These aren’t impossible. When I consider how much writing I’ve actually done this year (ghostwriting for clients; collaborative writing for Cornerstone Church’s resources) this is possible. But motivation is always another story – especially during Winter! Now that it’s Summer, things are rather different!

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