I’m looking for more beta-readers for When Twins War, my fantasy book. If you’re keen please leave a message here under the comments and fill out your email address under the email section (that will not be made public to anyone but me).
I’ll be asking my beta readers to get through the whole manuscript within a specific time-frame as well as provide detailed feedback according to a list of questions I’ve drawn up.
You’ll also need to write a very short review of the book once you’re done and agree to letting me use it as a short testimonial for promotional stuff.
Beta-readers will get put into a special VIP club (still working on what to call it) which will allow them exclusive access to material in the future and exclusive / free access to future events. I’m going to make it worth your time 🙂 You will also get a special thanks in the book.
Please make sure you like my Facebook page as well at www.facebook.com/RyanPeterWrites.
If you know you probably won’t get through the book very quickly but you know someone who would love to be a part of this and loves fantasy especially, tell them about it! Get them to like my Facebook page and then comment here or read the info there in terms of how to get hold of me ASAP.
Thanks everyone! Thanks Jarrod for inspiring me with this too 🙂
About When Twins War
The sun set and the cold night came, but Soi’labi still wailed and wept, lying on his face in the dust. His people could do nothing to help him, and could do nothing to stop the burning. They all watched in horror as the great covenant of over a thousand years between the Twin Cities had come to utter desolation.”
THE COVENANT BETWEEN the twin desert cities of Iza-Kierre and Ben-Kierre is broken and their war is feared to be a prophetic sign that the Moncoin has returned.
Tarkanyon the Outlander has been tasked to forge peace between the cities. But when he is embroiled in events that include the return of the Wealth; events that hint that he, himself, may have this ancient magic; his mission becomes filled with more questions than answers.
When Twins War is the first prelude to the fantasy series The Rise of the Kings.