Why I closed my Elance profile and you should too
Despite the continued hype, Elance is not worth it for writers. If you have an Elance profile, close it. It just makes you look cheap. Here’s why I did.
Despite the continued hype, Elance is not worth it for writers. If you have an Elance profile, close it. It just makes you look cheap. Here’s why I did.
It seems strange that I would title this post as “Business is Intrinsically Good”. Many of us perhaps never thought there was anything particularly “bad” about it in the first place, but at the same time – and I know this from experience – we’ve only ever looked at profit and our job and work …
In my usual meanderings through the Internet I’ve recently come across work from Jeffrey Van Duzer, the business school dean at Seattle Pacific University and a former corporate attorney. He has some interesting things to say, including that maximising profit is not the top priority of business. In today’s culture, that’s quite a statement! It …
As Facebook incorporates hashtags it’s interesting to see where the idea originally came from.
You want to write a book or publish an article? But you say you’re not a writer. This is where ghost writers come in.